HTEI and our network of community members have pulled together a collection of resources for families and parents to use for LGBTQIA+ learning and development. Have a look below and let us know if you have any additional contributions to share!
Videos, Graphics, & Guides

"My pronouns are they/them/theirs, and that's a non-negotiable...they're so important because they are the smallest and easiest way that you can acknowledge somebody's identity." Trans students explain why pronouns are so important.
Did you know that "they" is also a singular pronoun in English? If anyone doesn't know, they should watch this lesson now!
Hear Samuel Brinton, son of two Southern Baptist ministers, talk about the years of reparative therapy designed to "cure" him of his homosexuality. Sam speaks often about his experiences in the hopes that others who have endured similar struggles will find hope.
The Single AF star, Courtney Act, will be here every week with brand new sex and relationship advice! This second episode is all about gender terminology.
Lindsey and their teddy bear are known on YouTube for teaching kids in a straightforward and playful way about a variety of topics related to LGBTQ pride. For the learn your LGBT’s series, the It Gets Better.
Guidance from Welcoming Schools about ways to answer this common question from children
How to define key terms related to sexual orientation and gender identity for elementary age and preschool children.
Music video from on expressing gender through clothing, as well as many other videos about sexual orientation and gender identity.
This sing along will help get your family ready to celebrate Pride while teaching about LGBTQIA+ identities.
This simple graphic clarifies the difference between gender identity, biological sex, and sexual orientation.
Organizations & Non-Profits
AMAZE envisions a world that recognizes child and adolescent sexual development as natural and healthy, a world in which young people everywhere are supported and affirmed and the adults in their lives communicate openly and honestly with them about puberty, reproduction, relationships, sex and sexuality. In such a world, young people across the globe would have access to the information and support they need to develop into sexually healthy adults
A network of groups, websites, special projects & resources dedicated to supporting, educating and empowering
parents of LGBTQ kids and the LGBTQ Community.
Historical Accounts
A brief history of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender social movements by Bonnie J. Morris, PhD
"Who threw the first brick at Stonewall?” has become a rallying cry, a cliche and a queer inside joke on the internet — never mind the fact that it’s not clear whether bricks were ever thrown during the riots at all.
Lesson Plans
Almost every teacher has heard students use the expression, “that’s so gay” as a way of putting down or insulting someone (or to describe something). These lessons will help students examine how inappropriate language can hurt, and will help them think of ways to end this kind of name-calling.
Teaching young people about identity helps them to learn about their own unique identities, as well as the myriad identities in their classroom communities. In this lesson, students will read Looking Like Me, by Walter Dean Myers, and examine the descriptive words that the main character uses to describe himself (e.g., brother, son, artist, dancer, runner, and dreamer). To conclude, students will create their own “I am” poster using GLSEN’s “I am” sign.
This lesson is the first in the series “Family Tapestry.” One goal of these lessons is to help students recognize and accept differences among themselves and within the larger community. Another is to recognize how each student’s unique family contributes to a richer society. As students begin to understand themselves better, learning opportunities will likely emerge to explore biases and prejudices. In this introductory lesson, students explore the definition of family, learn about different kinds of family structures and explore what makes their own family unique.
Straight for Equality invites you to join the growing roster of companies dedicated to fairness for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people at work.
Books and Films for You and Your Classroom
This list of books and films—with options for students of all ages and reading levels—offers a good starting place for educators who need to diversify their curricula and classroom libraries. And, because adults need windows and mirrors too, the list includes professional development options that can broaden your understanding of LGBTQ history and lived experiences.
Children's Toys & Games
These magnetic blocks can be used to make people and families of all different combinations. A card set is included that shows different family combinations that kids can build, which is a great conversational tool for talking not only about LGBTQ families , but also multiracial families, single parent families and more.
Use the game to practice gender inclusive pronouns, embrace differences, and challenge stereotypes
This memory card game can be played to proudly highlight LGBT families and many other diverse family make-ups.
Children's Books
In this deeply moving and empowering true story, young readers will trace the life of the Gay Pride Flag, from its beginnings in 1978 to its role in today's world.
This fun and fascinating treasury features all kinds of families and their lives together. Each spread showcases one aspect of home life-from houses and holidays, to schools and pets, to feelings and family trees.
Open a dialogue with the children in your life about the importance of love and acceptance with this story celebrating open mindedness, diversity, and the LGBTQIA+ community.
In Be Amazing, drag kid Desmond is Amazing walks you through the history of the LGBTQ community, all while encouraging you to embrace your own uniqueness and ignore the haters.
Two mommies spend a sunny day with their toddler in this cozy, rhyming picture book that is a loving celebration of family.
Set against the backdrop of San Francisco during the gay rights movement of the 1970s, Gilbert's story unfolds just like the flag he created: in a riot of color, joy, and pride.
This fun, inclusive board book celebrates the one thing that makes every family a family . . . and that's LOVE.
A First Book of Pride. This is a sweet ode to rainbow families, and an affirming display of a parent's love for their child and a child's love for their parents.
My Awesome Brother is a children's book that centers around a child whose adored older sister is pre-transitioning. We follow the child's efforts to bring a smile to their sister's face, and then revel in the joy both feel after the transition.
Readers will love this sweet story about change and acceptance as a family learns to accept that Jackie identifies more as “Jack”
My Shadow Is Pink is a beautifully written rhyming story that touches on the subjects of gender identity, self acceptance, equality and diversity.
In a wildly whimsical, validating, and exuberant reflection of the LGBT community, this title welcomes readers to experience a pride celebration and share in a day when we are all united.
This vibrant and beautifully illustrated book teaches children sex, gender and relationships education in a way that is inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
A comic book for kids that includes children and families of all makeups, orientations, and gender identities, Sex Is a Funny Word is an essential resource about bodies, gender, and sexuality for children ages 8 to 10 as well as their parents and caregivers.
A picture book that introduces the concept of gender identity to the youngest reader.
These books will help people understand the truth about these amazing young people who are thriving with love and support of family, friends and communities across the country.
A guide for teachers to be LGBTQ+ allies in the classroom